The 💙throat chakra💙 plays an essential role in communication, creativity, and self-expression.
When there’s an imbalance in this chakra, you may notice you have a harder time communicating effectively.  This includes both speaking 🗣and listening👂.

If your 💙throat chakra💙 is blocked🚧 or unbalanced, you may be fearful about speaking your personal truth, have a harder time expressing your thoughts, feel anxious about speaking/communicating, and experience outbursts of emotion🤬 or even the opposite: extreme quiet or refusal to speak😶.

Emotionally, those with the 💙throat chakra💙 imbalance may be highly critical of themselves and others.

Physically, symptoms may manifest as a raspy throat, chronic sore throat, mouth ulcers, gum disease, laryngitis, and thyroid challenges.😷
🔹️Include the color blue in your life
🔹️Do neck stretches
🔹️Focus on your breath
🔹️Try yoga poses like shoulder stand, plow, and fish.  These poses help. release the neck muscles.
🔹️Try a reiki healing session
🔹️Work with the bija mantra – chanting “ham” (pronounced hahm), or the words “I speak”
🔹️Find time for journaling- sometimes this helps in finding a better way to express. what we feel
🔹️Keep your neck in line with your spine
🔹️Learn the art of active listening
🔹️Meditate with, and utilize any of the crystals/gemstones specific to this chakra (some pictured in this post)
🔹️Use essential oils- some of the essential oils that are good for this chakra include Basil, Bergamot, Chamomile, Cypress, Juniper, Peppermint and Sandalwood